DTS - Dairy Technical Solutions, Inc.



DTS, Inc is offering the following to its customers:


A CNCPS based program is used to balance rations on nutrition and cost. All commodities are evaluated periodically through SESAME based on changing costs.

Lab Analysis

For the last nine years, DTS, Inc has been using Rock River lab, one of the most reputable laboratories in feedstuff analysis. They offer a variety of tests ranging from NIR, to the most current on CNCPS parameters, from water analyses to mycotoxin screens. DTS, Inc uses a monthly schedule for sampling for each account.

Load Sheets

For the dairymen that have no E-Z Feed or Feed Watch, DTS, Inc provides simple spreadsheets to assist with loading ingredients, delivering feed to different pens and monitoring usage.


Theo has 14 yr experience in analyzing DC305 records with regards to cow and heifer production, fresh cow performance, peak milk, cull pattern and reproduction.


Several spreadsheets are used to calculate daily milk production, ECM, feed budgets and feed efficiency. Additional spreadsheets are being designed and you can find them soon on this website.